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  • Writer's pictureEllie Anderson

If These Walls Could Talk...

All pictures tell a story, whether good, bad, scary, funny, happy or just plain memorable. The common phrase, "If these walls could talk..." can certainly be applied to pictures. A picture may not have much meaning to an outsider, but to a person who knows the story behind it, it is priceless! As I mentioned in my first blog post, one of the reasons I love taking pictures is capturing moments for people to look back on and remember the stories behind them. In this article, I am going to tell you one of the stories behind some of my seemingly unmemorable pictures.

It was a Sabbath afternoon. My sister was away at college and my parents and I wanted to do something fun. I mentioned that it would be fun to go watch the sunset and take some pictures. So, we drove on a country road to a place where we knew we would get a clear view of the sunset. On the way there, we saw (and photographed) some deer. After a leisurely drive through the country, we came to the place we were seeking. It was a country road with valleys on both sides and a beautiful view of the sunset. There were cows (which I also photographed) and a nice, not-too-busy road that we could stop on. We pulled over to the side and got out to take pictures and enjoy the scenery.

I then expressed a desire to get a close-up of the middle of the road and the lines leading to far off places. I love pictures that have lines in them leading your eye to somewhere far off! Lines draw the eye through the picture. So I, while my parents watched for cars, bent down in the middle of the road to get a good picture. Every 15-20 seconds, one of them would yell, "Car!", and I would race out of the road to safety. After several tries, I got the perfect picture.

Later on, I decided it would look cool to get a picture of me doing a handstand in the middle of the road. As I stated in my first blog post, I love gymnastics and enjoy getting cool gymnastics pictures! However, this picture required even more work to get than the first one. While my father stood watch, my mother and I would run into the middle of the road. I would do a handstand, and my mother would try to get the right angle and look that I wanted. Every so often, my father would yell, "Car!" and once again we would run to the side and wait for the car to pass. This picture took tons of tries to get, but it finally turned out!

Every picture tells a story. The photos above tell a very happy, memorable, and amusing story of me and my family!

Ellisa Anderson

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